Like most humans, we adore the work of one
Miss Ava Gardner and are equally mesmerized by her looks. A startling beauty in her youth, she emerged as a fine actress over time (though she sometimes had trouble believing it herself.) In her 1940s and '50s hey-day, she was positively gilded with all the Tinseltown trappings; the gowns, jewels, makeup, etc... and she was dazzling. But unlike a lot of her peers, she didn't cling to this as the years wore on. She allowed Father Time to march acrost her face and simply lived the way she wished to, comfortably. There were few constants in her often tumultuous personal life, but one of them was her devotion to animals, particularly dogs, and most especially to Welsh corgis. So today we offer up a photo essay of Ava and her beloved pooches (chiefly Rags and, later, Cara.)
There was scarcely a time, even from the beginning of her career, that Gardner didn't have a pet pup on hand. |
One thing dogs can give us, and surely gave her, is unconditional love. She was almost never without a big smile when in the presence of one of her corgis.
Ava's canine companions could nearly always be found in her trailer while filming, providing comfort between takes (and fun photo ops in the bargain.) This was during Knights of the Round Table (1953.)
Costumes be damned, nothing was going to interfere with her doggie time.
I hope no one made a mess on the floor...!
I did say they went everywhere. On airplanes, too!
Here they are on a boat!
Between takes on The Naked Maja (1958.)
Taken during Mayerling (1968), which features one of my very favorite Ava looks, her take on Empress Elisabeth "Sisi" of Austria. |
In London while filming Tam-Lin (1970.)
With the director of Tam-Lin (and her close friend) Roddy McDowall.
This one is during the filming of Earthquake (1974.) This ornate house dress is only seen fleetingly in the final cut, the scene it was designed for having been hacked out right before release.
The assistant's face behind her here... WTH?
Fun times with actor & pal Charles Gray.
In her later years, Gardner could often be found walking one of her adored friends down the street.
This was nothing new, however. She'd never been "too good" to take her pups out for a spin to do their business.
It's entirely possible, though, that in her final years, passersby had no clue that they'd just laid eyes on AVA GARDNER walking her dog.
Faithful friends right up to the end.
This was for her unfinished autobiography, which was published posthumously. (She and the author had parted ways before it was done and he used the tapes from their meetings to form much of the book.) I love the dog's expression here, secure in its mistress' arms.
She had her issues, like many of us, but there will only ever be one Ava Gardner and when it came to her canines, she had one huge heart. I adore this portrait of her.
Today is December 30th, so the message here is late! But we do hope your holiday was a great one. And I'll add that I wish every one of my blog visitors a very happy and healthy new year! Thanks for your support. |
Another excellent post. Oh how I enjoy the posts on here. Be it classic glamour, beef cake or... It all works and helps me relax, reflect and browse for additional readings and movies. Thus a great big thank you for all the posts each year. Obviously looking forward to seeing more!
Hey Poseidon!
I love Ava, Corgis, and your posts!
Happy 2023,
Wow, yet another reason to love She Who Once Walked The Earth. I'm a huge fan of "peak" Ava, around "55 Days At Peking" she became this ethereal mother goddess. She would have been 41 around this time. But man oh man. She bloomed from this beautiful girl in "Pandora and the Flying Dutchman" into this incredible goddess. Gone was any innocence or naivety (which she projected precious little of in the first place) and you just adored LOOKING at her. I love that she was so bohemian, so wild in her life, she lived the way she wanted to. I like to picture her throwing a glass on the floor then laughing while she seduced a bull fighter. She's just so earthy and sexual in "The Night of the Iguana". No suburban MILF here, she put all competition to shame. There were certainly other beauties, Hayworth, Bacall, on and on. But then there was Ava.
Sawasdee peami P!!! Just learned happy new year in Thai. My cousin is over there whoring it up for the holiday! But thank you for a wonderful year of great posts! Much love!!! Shawny Woof! Woof!
Happy New Year to you Poseidon, thank you for making every year so fabulous with your wonderful blog! One of my prized possessions is an autographed color photo of Miss Ava Gardner, she was one of the great Hollywood stars who responded to fan letters and send back signed photos in her latter years.
Wishing you continued health, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year!
Super sweet and a great way to start the new year for me. I loved this, amazing that Tam Lin and Earthquake are only 4 years apart she seems so different from one to the other.
Thanks for the great post, Poseidon.
I was just the other day reading about Ms. Gardner and Frank Sinatra in a fun excerpt from James Kaplan's biography of Frank, posted on The Daily Beast, back in 2017.
Can I post a link?
Thanks again and Happy New Year!
Hello, my loves. Sorry to not respond to your comments before now, but it's been the usual hectic melange of life and work with the new year holiday thrown in for good measure. But I've been circling the gristmill to prepare a new post, so there is that! Ha ha!
Brad, I do appreciate your kind remarks. I'm so glad you like it here and have similar interests as the ones I'm saddled with. ;-) I adore the fact that this blog offers you the attributes you mentioned. Thank YOU!
Happy New Year, Rick. Thanks for your support.
Ptolemy1, love the "She" reference. I recently took in "The Angel Wore Red" wherein Ava wanted to go makeup free and appear very simply (presumably in the Anna Magnani or Irene Papas mold?), but the studio refused to let her. She was so stunning to look at in certain sequences. That FACE..... I even like watching her in "The Bible" and that's saying something. Ha ha!
Shawny, thanks a bunch for your kind greeting and your continued support of ol' P.U. :-)
Gingerguy, you're so right! They seem from far different times than just that four-year span.
A, I wish that Frank and Ava could have made it work. They seemed so passionate about one another, but there was continual hurt involved. Terrible timing, it seems, for them to have gotten together. At least they seemed to have reached a level of friendship and understanding as the end was near. Thanks.
Thank you for this post! I am a huge fan of Ava's and always love reading about year these many years since she left us. BRAVO!
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