Don't we know it! As I type this, we're in a national "shelter-in-place" situation thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic (and it even happens to be raining.) Wild times we're living in at the moment. But at Poseidon's Underworld, we're striving to carry on with what we do best which is to distract, entertain, perchance educate (in terms of entertainment history) and maybe even arouse. So we're trudging onward with our annual salute to April showers, the kind that take place indoors. Shout out to our cover boy for this edition,
Mr. Alain Delon. It's always difficult to cough up new examples, but I've rooted around for some that are sprinkled about below. Here they are, so turn that valve and let's begin!
Now I can't lie. I have posted pics from this one in the past. Butt, er, But... I found a sharper, cleaner version of the movie, so it warranted an update! This is glorious Olympic champion swimmer-turned-actor Buster Crabbe in Search for Beauty (1934.) This is one of the last Pre-Code films to actually depict nudity on-screen, which is a treat for classic movie buffs. |
As a recruiter approaches Crabbe right after a swim meet he's just nailed, he peels out of his one-piece and hops in a nearby shower. |
The water is apparently cold as he ferociously hops around and scrubs himself off. Take note of where his next-door neighbor's eyes are drifting... Who could blame him?! |
The gents in this set of pics are Captured! (1933.) They are detainees in a WWI German prison camp. |
The film's star is Leslie Howard, an actor not known for showing much skin (and he doesn't here either.) |
He's captured alongside his burly pal William Le Maire. |
The angle here makes the man in front look twice as big as he is. It's actually the man next to him causing an optical illusion. |
You can see in this cap that the actor is wearing a skimpy garment in the scene. |
Hi cohort at the far right may be bare, at least in back, however... |
Now I bet practically all of you have never seen these next ones. They are from a 1954 German film called 08/15, which was one of three movies based on books concerning the lives of common soldiers just prior to WWII. |
Concerned less with the action of war or the horrors of it, the movie focuses on the experiences of the conscripted men. We soon find out that these three are not alone. |
Oh, if I had a buck for every shower scene that has a strategic wall or railing in place...! LOL |
I had never, ever even heard of this movie, but I was alerted to it when I happened upon a publicity photo that was for sale online. |
The photo in question reveals that the actors were wearing skimpy briefs while filming the sequence. (But why is it that the publicity people couldn't crop this so that the illusion wasn't given away?? Makes little to no sense...) |
On the subject of publicity photos a) leading me to shower scenes in movies and b) giving away behind the scenes info, I give you this pic from 1967's A Guide for the Married Man. Walter Matthau and Robert Morse show more here than they do in the film! |
The scene takes place in a snug locker room at their club. |
The camera floats over a man getting a rubdown and heads towards our stars taking their showers. |
Afterwards, we're meant to believe that they are trotting around the locker room naked on their way to get a towel... but we know better thanks to that publicity still! |
The two (conspiring over how Matthau can cheat on his incredibly gorgeous wife!) are often thrown together in close quarters. |
I bet you don't know which movie these steamy shower scenes are from... |
They're part of a flashback sequence to life in the U.S. Army as experienced by one particular (and unusual) recruit. | |
Oddly enough, the horseplay going on in the corner doesn't involve the subject of the movie, but he is in the room there with them to the right, off-camera. |
He becomes an object of derision because he isn't interested in joining his fellow G.I.s on their trip to a whorehouse that evening. The star of the film is one John Hansen in his on-screen debut (which also effectively wrecked any chance of an important career.) |
He plays George Jorgensen Jr, who would soon be transformed into the title character of The Christine Jorgensen Story (1970.) Jorgensen made headlines as the most publicized early example of a male-to-female sex change. |
Hansen was a nice-looking guy who bore more than a passing resemblance to Troy Donahue (and had one incredible mane of silky, sun-streaked hair.) As I recall, Leonard Maltin's movie guide stated that he was prettier as George than he was as Christine (!) and I have to concur...! The styling for Christine was horrendous. |
During a recent viewing of Torn Curtain (1964), I was surprised to see a shower scene with Mr. Paul Newman. I'd completely forgotten about it. |
Then again, it's quite forgettable! This is the most we ever see of him in the shower and his flesh-tone briefs are visible... |
"I'm ready for my close-up!" LOL And this is four years after Janet Leigh's famous shower in Psycho (1960!) |
As the Blu-Ray reveals, Newman is photographed like a god at times, his legendary blue eyes blazing off the screen. He does have a few brief scenes with no shirt (or a very open shirt), but this shower was a disappointment. |
1970's The Strawberry Statement, in which college student Bruce Davison is having a confrontation with an antagonist in the shower. |
Sorry the quality of these couldn't be a bit better. Many of these films have fallen into relative obscurity now. |
Recognize young and slender Don Johnson? This is The Harrad Experiment (1973), in which college students take part in trial marriages with preassigned mates, with sexual relations encouraged. |
Johnson arrives on the scene late and scarcely misses a beat before dropping trou and heading into the shower. |
You know... I don't think I have ever seen a shower set up with a curtain split in the middle like this! But I don't get out much (especially these days!) |
The reed thin Johnson emerges and does provide a brief flash of Don jr. (Junior Johnson?) in the film. |
Here's one that's not too common. Peter Fonda in Killer Force (1976.) |
The shaggy protagonist, who was often unclothed in his late-1960s and '70s films, is joined by costar Maud Adams. |
No, I mean joined by Adams! LOL A towel gets conveniently caught up in the action as he pulls her into the tub. This little-known actioner has a very eclectic cast that also includes Telly Savalas, Hugh O'Brian, Christopher Lee and O.J. Simpson! |
Semi-Tough (1977) a football-oriented comedy finds Kris Kristofferson and Roger E. Mosley in the shower. |
Often in scenes like this, it's the background extras who wind up showing more skin than the leads. (Unless things have changed, the pay is more for movie extras who appear without clothing in a film.) |
When it comes to football, though, it's hard to beat the Texas A&M Aggies in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982.) I set the stage by showing you the removal of their uniforms as they prepare to clean up for a trip to the title establishment! |
I think all musicals should have a scene included like this one. |
The on-screen action soon leads into the gang shower. |
It's a bonanza of butts in there! (And if I recall correctly, an occasional brief peek at more.) |
We go now from college to high school. (Not that the actors are actually high school age!) Anyone recall the TV series The White Shadow, about an NBA basketball player (Ken Howard) who becomes the coach of an inner-city school team? In this shot, their on a road game with some higher grade facilities. (Take a look at the shower stand, though. Cozy...!) |
Back at their own school, the showers are far less shiny and new. |
The series became noted for occasional episodes in which the guys sang classic songs in the shower, such as "Duke of Earl." |
Fairly revealing camera angles for a 1978 TV show (which if I remember right, aired at 8:00pm.) The actors were not nude on set, even as slim as the margins are sometimes here. |
Timothy Van Patten, seen at left here, says they wore basically transparent skin-tone briefs and on shower room shooting days, every secretary on the lot would come by to observe! |
On at least one occasion, Howard took a shower, too, but he had a private stall in his office. |
It's practically a foreign concept today that there was a time when a coach would shower in front of a student and casually converse while drying off... |
...not to mention the group showering dynamic, which, while it had it drawbacks for some of those with shyness or other issues, created a bonding experience. Even the actors on this show cite these as among their favorite scenes. |
I know they meant a lot to me when I saw them! LOL The poor video quality of this shot, for example, actually makes it all a little better because in the sharper DVDs (which I ordered not long after seeing these scenes) makes it more clear that Van Patten is wearing something. |
Here we find one Andrew Dice Clay interrupting the shower of a health resort worker in 1988's Casual Sex? |
We really only get to hear rather than see the shower, but you know I try to be as inclusive as I can be! |
The startled - not to mention intimidated - employee is played by David Sargent, who you aren't likely to see in very many things as his career was brief. |
This movie - which stars Lea Thompson and Victoria Jackson - is brimming over with typically amusing '80s clothing and hair. |
You know this face, I believe... |
The movie is Prison (1987) and the actor is Viggo Mortensen. |
Mortensen was looking decidedly scrumptious here, despite the wounds on his head. He has a lengthy scene in nothing but some white briefs as well in this one. |
If you happened to see Eastern Promises (2007, which also contained plenty of bloody injury as well!), you know that there was virtually no square inch of his body that wasn't shown at one point or another during a vicious fight scene in a bathhouse. |
Some of you know actor Aaron Paul, who took a shower in the 2018 thriller Welcome Home. |
After a wild night in which he was unknowingly drugged, he discovers some love bites on his person... |
Not a particularly revealing shower, but I deny no one entry to The Underworld... |
Our final visit to the shower is a whopper. It comes from the U.K. television show Footballer's Wives, which made a splash in 2002. This is our introduction to the team from the eye-popping pilot episode! |
British TV has long been more lenient with nudity versus American network television. There was a period in the 1990s when the U.S. networks began to allow some brief rear and side nudity, but it eventually subsided. |
Here, however, the camera is loving and lingering and even includes at least one brief glimpse of a half-mast frontal (more than what I have here. Unfortunately, I do not include frontal nudity here at P.U. -- I know. It stinks! LOL) |
This is the 'baller who showed his stuff (intentional or not), Gary Lucy. |
This is his rascally teammate, played by Cristian Solimeno. |
It was episode six before we were treated to another decent shower scene. |
That time, though, it was revealed that there is also a fun, sudsy group bathtub in the same room! (Why couldn't I have been better at sports....?!?!) Shown here are two other principles from the first season, Nathan Constance and Daniel Schutzmann. |
The eighth (and last from that first season) episode offered yet one more butt buffet in the shower room... |
And that season went out with a bang as there was still another pop-eyed glimpse of a player's appendage. No wonder the show was a hit! LOL |
The extra shown with his back to us was naked all the time and took an eternity to dry off. Even without all this, the show had campy, deliciously sassy merit. |
The End! |
Hi Poseidon, this is so great! A little slice of normality. I love me some Buster Crabbe. This is dirty good clean fun! I was at a party and met the Broadway Director and choreographer Jeff Calhoun, who was in the locker room scene of "Best Little Whorehouse" he was a football player in real life as well as a dancer. When I finally saw the movie for the first time I actually picked him out of the crowd. These photos here are amazing. It's a very spirited scene...ahem... great theme and wishing you May flowers
I'm glad you included Best little Whorehouse --that scene is my favorite and it is available to watch on YouTube.
Torn Curtain was nothing more than a tacky ripoff of Psycho. Newman's shower scene was a body double, obviously. As was Clint Eastwood's "nude" scene in Escape From Alcatraz. And what film contained that final B&W scene? Looks like something from the 1930s. (It also looks like the old YMCAs used to look before they went co-ed).
Have you seen Steel Magnolias? A fave if mine, and it's a must see for the sassy quips and admittedly melodramatic but sincere storyline about battling diabetes.
One of the ladies decides to be a football radio host and does a reading in the middle of a locker room. It comes out of nowhere, and suddenly the screen is full of bare butts and jock straps and barely-there towels. I'm not complaining, but boy did my jaw drop in that scene.
Another interesting observation was that the men were not reed thin and had rosy cheeked buns, if you catch what I mean. A welcome change!
Hi Poseidon!
The only thing better than beefcake is wet and soapy beefcake, and we can always count on you whenever we need to take a refreshing plunge!
And boy, do we need it now, more than ever!
(But that Paul Newman was such a tease! He never really gave up all the goods!)
Thanks for making staying home more fun! Stay safe!
Gingerguy, I marvel at how many people you seem to have met! One of the fringe benefits of a life in metropolis, I guess, but still...! I've done the show "Whorehouse" and it was beyond challenging for the director to come up with any "players" who looked feasible as college athletes, could sing and dance as required and were willing to do much of it shirtless!
Jack, glad you liked the scene from "Whorehouse."
Laurence, I just watched "Torn Curtain" a few days ago and really didn't discern the slightest similarity to "Psycho." The shower was merely a device to make Paul unable to answer the phone, which Julie did and caused her to become more immersed in the situation at hand. If it wasn't Paul behind the plastic, the double did a great job of moving his head the same way Paul did when he reacted to something startling in his acting. The final photo is a bookend to the first film mentioned in the post.
Musicals4Ever, it seems almost lunatic to ask a gay man if he's ever seen "Steel Magnolias," though I suppose there are many who haven't! LOL Yes, I very much remember the "grape or aubergine?" players in the locker room! It was a great little addition to the script from the play.
Angelman, so glad to be of service during this hour of need...! :-) Thanks much. Glad you liked this.
"Whorehouse" is a lot of fun, and that sequence is definitely a highlight. Catch it if you can.
Poseidon, you are doing the Lord's Work here! Thank you!
Forever1267, I appreciate that remark SO much! "the Lord's Work!" Ha ha! What a scream. Speaking of, I just put one more shower on the site today in a new post. :-)
I often like to fantasize what Hollywood would have given us if our culture had objectified men as much as women in films and nudity had not been such a Puritan issue. The mind reels. Cary Grant, wearing nothing but a wife beater, casually answering the door for Katie Hepburn, who I'm sure would have a pithy remark as she swept into the room. Kirk Douglas bathing in a mountain stream while his fellow soldiers lounged around him naked on the banks. Stephen Boyd (my very favorite of them all) doing ANYTHING buck naked for at least 15 minutes. I can dream can't I?
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