If you grew up in the 1960s & '70s and watched television at all, then the face of Susan Oliver should be a familiar one. Or if you have dabbled in classic TV either through the over-the-air channels, streaming or DVD, you ought to recognize her as well. The woman worked on just about every conceivable series imaginable and as a result there is hardly a known actor from that time period who didn't hold her in their arms for some sort of melodramatic clinch. It's also possible that you've seen her face other places, perhaps without even realizing that it was she, though somehow despite everything, one of her least immediately recognizable moments may be the one she's best remembered for!

I have long known about Oliver and have seen her in many things, but I was more than startled to learn more about her in a 2014 documentary I stumbled upon by sheer luck. It provided a really captivating glimpse into her life and prolific career and featured some atypical interviews along the way. This affords me the chance to play a little game of "Guess Who" as we go along. Because even though these people we known to me, some of them are not called upon for their opinions very much in things like this, so that was an added treat.
Oliver was a Broadway ingenue who found herself working busily on live New York television and was soon drawn to Hollywood and a Warner Brothers contract. My own first contact with her came when she guest-starred on one of my all-time favorite shows, The Big Valley. She played a prison inmate in one of those "Let's beat the hell out of Barbara Stanwyck" episodes that came along a few times per season.
By that time, however, she was already a longtime veteran of the small screen. She'd figured into episodes of Route 66, The Fugitive, Climax!, Suspicion, The Twilight Zone, The Naked City, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour and many others.
Her eyes were marvelous. The were luminous and striking, whether in black & white or color. She most often had a slab of black, cat-eye liner across each one that set them off to perfection.
During her hey-day as a valued guest star, westerns ruled the airwaves and she was on most of the best ones from the aforementioned The Big Valley to Bonanza, Wanted: Dead or Alive, Rawhide, The Virginian, Wagon Train and many more.
Crossing all genres, she also did many sitcoms, such as My Three Sons (seen here with humpy Don Grady!) And she did Father Knows Best, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and even The Andy Griffith Show. Her only real regular role, generally of her own choice, was on the hit show Peyton Place. |
Lest we forget, she was also in quite a few movies, a personal favorite being 1963's The Caretakers (rubbing an imperious Joan Crawford the wrong way as a newbie nurse going against the established grain.) Other movies included The Gene Krupa Story (1959), Your Cheatin' Heart and The Disorderly Orderly (both 1964)
And we mustn't forget 1960's BUtterfield 8, in which she stood up to Elizabeth Taylor as the (Debbie Reynolds-ish?) girlfriend of Eddie Fisher. This rundown only scratches the surface of her very busy career.
In time, she also took a devoted interest in airplane piloting (as well as gliding), becoming a licensed commercial pilot, winning a Powder Puff Derby and even emerging as only the 4th woman to ever fly solo over the Atlantic Ocean! (Her sole Emmy nomination came for 1976's Amelia Earhart, in which she played a fellow flyer to the famed aviatrix. The award went posthumously to Diana Hyland for The Boy in the Plastic Bubble.) She even spent a year on Days of Our Lives in the key role of Laura Horton, but left to pursue other interests.
Amid all this and more, it's really one part on TV that stands out amongst the rest when it comes to a place in the cult fan firmament. And the project almost never saw the light of day until it was later dissected and reassembled!
She was selected to guest star opposite handsome Jeffrey Hunter in the first pilot for the legendary sci-fi series Star Trek. In it, she played a variety of roles, some of which were merely images from Hunter's imagination. The pilot had been deemed "too cerebral" by the network and was close to being put aside forever.
Her stunning looks and heartfelt performance in the piece might never have been seen again until the series later ran into production delays and emergency measures were called for. Writers penned a special two-part episode about Mr. Spock on trial and incorporated generous amounts of footage from the earlier pilot into the new story line.
One of the parts that she essayed in that pilot, and which was interspersed into the new ep, was an all-green dancing girl named Vina.
For whatever reason, this closeup image of her in emerald makeup was chosen as the background for some of the end credits during the series' run. So people saw this (when it aired and in the wildly popular syndicated reruns) for decades, perhaps not always realizing that it was she!
She-Hulk anyone? Actually, Ms. Oliver was quite petite and not a trained dancer. But she worked hard (as she did in every project she appeared in) and sold the sequence memorably.
It was memorable enough, in fact, to warrant a Hallmark holiday ornament being manufactured in order to pay tribute to the character! In that way, she will live on in sci-fi fandom indefinitely, even if some folks aren't all that familiar with the other remarkable work that she accomplished in her career before and after this.
I held off until now revealing the name of the documentary in case there might be readers out there who didn't know of this facet of Oliver's career. It's called The Green Girl, and can be viewed here (with occasional ads) for free. I can heartily recommend the program to anyone who likes Oliver or who just wants some more insight into the way TV worked in the 1950s, '60s and '70s. Also, since Oliver was driven to direct, there is plenty of information on how difficult it was for her to attempt that in her day. (Oliver passed away of cancer in 1990 at only age 58.)
As you can see here, her half-brother happened to inherit the same big, crystalline-blue eyes that Oliver possessed.
Now I'm going to run down some of the folks who contributed to this documentary through candid, sometimes heartfelt, interviews. There were other friends and family members who participated, but these are the ones included in it who were names themselves in the network TV universe. Some you will know, some may seem familiar, some you may never have seen. But all had intriguing contributions to make to the doc. My one carp was that, in many cases, so little care was taken to properly set up the lighting, angle and decor to really help present (a word I sometimes use when older people are filmed is "protect") them in a way that is the most flattering. (Think TCM and the lengths they have gone to in their interviews to be certain that the stars look terrific while recollecting!)
This actor never worked with Oliver on-screen, but was active during her formative period, when studio-arranged dates put them together. They became good friends as a result.
Surely you recognize this former Miss America-turned-actress, who worked in an episode of The F.B.I. that costarred Oliver and then later had Oliver as a key guest on her own show.
This man was an actor in the late-1950s/early-'60s and worked with Oliver on a TV episode of The Lineup, but is best-known as an author of books about Hollywood personalities (a major one being James Dean) and true crime in Tinsel Town.
This actress worked with Oliver in episodes of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour and The Name of the Game. She's best known for a folksy sitcom which earned her an Emmy nomination.
Oliver worked with this prolific actor in episodes of four different television shows, including two of his own series.
Oliver was a guest on this man's popular detective show, on which he was a costar. He later had his own adventure series.
If you are a fan of The Golden Girls, then you've seen this man in his later career. He starred in a lesser-known feature film with Oliver as well as one episode of a short-lived TV show of his.
This model and commercial performer never worked on screen with Oliver, but had some jobs as an actress that were similar to those of Oliver. Like Oliver, she appeared on Star Trek and worked with Jerry Lewis.
Oliver appeared twice on this actor's sci-fi series in the mid-to-late 1960s.
A popular 1970s personality, this football player-turned-actor worked in a TV movie with Oliver (and even went out with her to dinner - and more? - during filming.)
This actress was very active on TV at the same time as Oliver and proceeded to a (rare for a woman at the time) successful television directing career.
This actor, known for playing a snarky physician on a hit show of the '80s, was directed by Oliver in one of only two prime-time assignments which she was granted.
I don't expect too many of you to recognize this gent, though someone might. He had a tendency to portray either authority figures or punks, depending on the situation, from the 1970s to the 1990s and appeared in some cult-classics. Oliver directed him in a short film that was well-received.
Were you able to name or recognize any or all of these thirteen interview subjects? I mean, I may not have been able to if they hadn't been labeled on-screen. In fact, I definitely wouldn't have known a few of them. (Several of the participants have since gone on to the hereafter and so this represents their final time being interviewed!) Let's reveal them now, with photos of them during their more active periods of performing inset with their then-current appearance.
David Hedison of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
Jonathan Gilmore, who wrote about The Black Dahlia, Charles Manson and James Dean (with whom he reportedly fooled around as part of their escapades as young men.)
Kathleen Nolan, who played Wendy on Broadway to Mary Martin's Peter Pan and who costarred with Richard Crenna and Walter Brennan on The Real McCoys.
Peter Mark Richman, from Cain's Hundred, Longstreet and later of Dynasty, where he played Blake Carrington's trusted attorney.
Gary Conway, who costarred on Burke's Law and later starred on Land of the Giants. A former physique model, he did a semi-nude Playgirl spread in the early days of that magazine.
Monte Markham had short-lived shows such as Mr. Deeds Goes to Town and The New Perry Mason during his very busy career. He was the star of Ginger in the Morning (1974) and was Blanche's gay brother Clayton on The Golden Girls.
Celeste Yarnall appeared in an episode of Star Trek, was sung to by Elvis Presley in Live a Little, Love a Little (1968) and played the title character in The Velvet Vampire (1970.)
Roy Thinnes was the star of The Invaders. He also did plenty of other TV and occasional feature films including Airport 1975 (1974) and The Hindenburg (1975.)
Roosevelt (Rosey) Grier went from the L.A. Rams to a career on screen. After a stint on Daniel Boone, he made the TV-movie with Oliver, Carter's Army. Before dialing back his acting career in order to pursue ministry, he popped up in movies like Skyjacked and the hooty The Thing with Two Heads (both 1972.)
Nancy Malone costarred (with Roy Thinnes) on the TV series The Long Hot Summer. Her directing career included many hit series from Hotel to Dynasty to Melrose Place as well as Star Trek: Voyager and Diagnosis Murder.
Charles Siebert played eternal thorn-in-the-foot Dr. Stanley Riverside on Trapper John, M.D. Oliver directed an episode of this series (along with one installment of M*A*S*H.)
Biff Manard anyone? This rugged actor played tough guys, cowboys and police officers and was directed by Oliver in her short film Cowboysan (1978.) By that time Manard had already shucked his drawers for a Playgirl spread. Later, he'd work in films like Trancers (1984), Zone Troopers (1985) and Trancers II (1991) as well as playing a recurring role on The Flash (the John Wesley Shipp version) as a police officer.
::::BONUS PICS::::
Manard let it all hang out in his Man of the Month spread. I don't include frontal nudity at P.U., but the pics are out there for you to see if you should wish to.
Gary Conway (then Gary Carmody) in his figure-strap days. (In 1985, he and his Miss America wife, Marian McKnight, would form Carmody McKnight Estate Wines to some success, selling it in 2019.)
Here he's fiddling around in one of the shots from his Playgirl spread.
This was at the time of only partial nudity in the magazine (see also Lyle Waggoner.)
Cheers! |
Somewhere, buried with all the other shit I have is Oliver's obituary that I clipped out of the Toledo Blade all those years ago.
I have always loved Susan Oliver. Great post, Poseidon.
Biff Manard was NOT afraid to let it all hang out in his Playgirl Spread!
This was very interesting. I am glad she got a documentary. I would have thought it was about the Green Girl on Lost in Space. I totally remember her from "Butterfield 8" that scene is really uncomfortable and she makes quite an impression in red. Bonus was all the hot hunks at the end, hurray!
Biff Manard as Officer “Murph” Murphy on the 1990 Flashseries. One of a pair of quasi-comic relief bumbling cops who spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out who Flash was, at one point each deciding it was the other! Who knew he was packing?
Back before the Arrow shows were officially a multiverse and Flash ‘90 became canon, a number of actors from the original made cameos as characters with the same names as the original. Fans had a bit of fun spotting the living Easter eggs and speculating on what it all meant. Murph’s old partner showed up as the corrupt mayor of Central City but Murphy didn’t. The new Flash debuted in 2014 and Manard passed away in 2017.
I was able to guess Rosey Grier, but couldn't name Charles Siebert and Peter Mark Richman.
Lee Meriwether is aging very well!
Susan Oliver must be one of those "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" actors who worked with absolutely everyone back in the day.
That hay is looking VERY inviting!
Out of the shots of the older actors, I only recognized Lee Meriwether, Peter Mark Richman, Rosey Grier, and Charles Siebert, while Kathy Nolan, Celeste Yarnell, Monte Markham, and Gary Conway were in the "I know that face, but can't place them" category. And the rest totally threw me, even though I was familiar with some of them.
Biff Manard should've been one I'd recognize, in that he was still wearing the cowboy hat and 'stache from his PLAYGIRL centerfold, which is where I knew him from. Similarly, I should've recognized Gary Conway, since he was still wearing the same shaggy '70s haircut from his PLAYGIRL spread!
It's funny-- when Conway did PLAYGIRL, they were still in the period when what they wanted in the centerfold was a recognizable "name" to bare almost all, but by the time Biff Manard appeared, they had shifted to a full-frontal centerfold with less of a focus on "name" value (though some, like Peter Lupus, Jim Brown, and Don Stroud, fulfilled both).
If it's okay to post the link here, a good resource for PLAYGIRL nudes is this website, which now seems to be defunct (no updates in over ten years) but still accessible:
Clicking the "ENTER" age verification box takes you to a page of PLAYGIRL scans arranged in handy alphabetical order by models' first names. Not every one is in there, but he's got most of them up to a cutoff date where he apparently decided (or was warned) it was infringement to post. (I think the now-long-defunct magazine had changed hands at that point.)
A real pleasure to see this profile on the always-fascinating Susan Oliver, who was a great beauty that popped up a lot on TV when I was a kid, and I always enjoyed seeing her. (And, of course, her appearance in the STAR TREK pilot, which became legendary in fanboy circles.)
Even though the color photos you post reveal that those mesmerizing eyes were actually a beautiful "crystalline-blue" (love that description!), one of her early roles was the title character in THE GREEN-EYED BLONDE (1957)-- which, although I've never seen it (AFAIK), my parents *must've* seen, because they never failed to say that title whenever Oliver popped up on screen! (And checking IMDb reveals that the film was in B/W, so she pulled it off without colored contacts.)
As usual, thanks for a great post! Love to all, and be safe and well, everyone!
Wow, normadesmond, Oliver must have made an impression on you for you to hang onto something like that. Neat!
A, I was happy to see this documentary because she's generally quite unsung, but it's very obvious that she was capable of playing a WIDE variety of roles very effectively and with strong conviction.
Dov, no, he wasn't! God love the '70s...
Gingerguy, OMG! Forgot about the "Lost in Space" woman. And I was thinking to myself, WOW... she got to wear that searing red dress and Liz didn't veto it? Liz's get-ups vary in effectiveness in that movie. 'Course the slip is most famous of all. Thanks.
F. Nomen, glad you knew who Manard was. I really didn't (and I had JUST watched a movie two nights before in which he played a biker...!! Shanks, 1974!) That's neat about the guest roles on "Flash." I did a post here once about some of the interesting casting on "Supergirl," but in time I grew weary of the show itself.
Forever1267, I was told late this past spring that Ms. Meriwether is now in an assisted living facility. Time marches on and right acrosst us sometimes. But she did age very well! She was such a LADY and very bright and friendly to talk to as I did on a couple of occasions. Oliver worked with a staggering number of actors. The nature of the biz limited how many other women she worked with, but there were still quite a few. LOL about the hay! ;-)
hsc, I'm fine with the link. I'm not prudish or anything like that, but I just decided at the outset to keep the site generally safe for work (although I have often tossed out some rear ends along the way... perhaps not something you'd want to have on-screen when your boss wanders over! LOL At least it's not "porn" or more graphic nudity.) I noticed that her first movie was the "Green-Eyed Blonde," too, and how b&w allowed them to slide by on that. I meant to see if there were any color lobby photos that tinted her eyes green, but neglected to. Thank you!
I happened upon The Green Girl doc earlier this year when my cable provider ran one of those special weeks with access to various premium channels. I've always loved Susan Oliver (you're right she was EVERYWHERE in episodic television in the 50's, 60's and 70's) and knew whenever she popped up there would be at least one decent element and performance since she was there. I watch a good deal of the classic TV stations now, sometimes to revisit old faves-I could watch "Alias Smith and Jones" endlessly-but most often to catch up on shows that I knew of but never had the chance to see during their original broadcast. It's kind of amazing that Susan has shown up in almost every single one of those shows that were on during her career! The woman WORKED!
I found the documentary fascinating, intriguing, informative and ultimately sad. Love that she stayed independent enough to not care about big ticket stardom though it was something that was practically handed to her. A pity she didn't have more opportunity to direct. The episode she directed for MASH is one of my favorites of the series.
Ahhh, beautiful Susan Oliver! I ran across "The Green Girl" doc on YouTube and was fascinated by her personal and professional achievements. She did everything well and was constantly employed, equally effective in comedy as well as drama. She was alternately ethereal, hard-as-nails and an extremely pleasant presence in her work. Being a huge "Peyton Place" fan, I was shocked that her role as the mysterious Ann Howard ended abruptly after only 20 episodes with her broken body discovered by Allison MacKenzie (Mia Farrow) at the bottom of a coastal bluff.
She was quite a pioneer (acting, directing, aviation) and seemed to handle her career on her own terms. One of the documentary surprises was that her mother was THE astrologer to the stars back in the day, and I got the impression that, at times, she followed her mother's career advice like many other actors.
Thanks so much, Poseidon3, for bringing her story to a wider audience and offering her career a degree of immortality that it deserves.
Man oh man how I remember Oliver! I can still see her in my mind in that iconic Trek episode. A beauty with a beautiful voice. I've discovered over the years that I have a soft spot for rather obscure blondes (Inger Stevens also comes to mind) whose arrows don't quite fly as high as they should have. If only, in an alternate universe Hitchcock would have grabbed Oliver. She could have been one of his "icy blondes" easily. And I've always liked Conway, he had a great face, almost primitive looking and deep dark eyes. Grateful that his exhibitionist side came to the fore, hehehe. Thanks Poseidon, always fun.
joel65913, I wasn't trying to ignore you or the others who commented after you. I have found myself even MORE swamped than usual as of late. So I do apologize for the extra-late replies. Oliver's career, while SO prolific and popular has a tinge of unfulfillment about it which is strange and kind of sad. Had she lived, perhaps she'd have finally gotten a foothold in directing. As the ads used to say, "We've come a long way, baby."
Unknown, that "Peyton Place" situation must have really had an impact on viewers. They surely were expecting her to remain on the show longer. Her relationship with her mother was so complicated. I should think it would be hard to have a mother who seemingly knew things no one else could!
Ptolemy1, I like your idea about Hitchcock. I suppose he was all about Tippi during the time when Susan might have been an option. After that, he seemed to basically abandon that type. I recall renting (yes!) "Once is Not Enough" solely to see Gary Conway in a movie. His part was small and underdeveloped, but he did wear some nice cutoff sweats in one brief sequence. :-)
I remember her very well from Peyton Place. She played a really interesting character who had ties to many of the other people in town. They bumped her character off by pushing her off a cliff.
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