Thursday, October 17, 2024

Guest Who: "Lucy" Has a Clint in Her Eye!

During my recent post commemorating the 1,000th entry here, there was one glaring omission from the collection of favorite things that I focused on. I left this out on purpose, knowing that a post would soon be in the chute regarding the subject at hand. That subject is, of course, my dream man Mr. Clint Walker. Today, we'll take a gander at Walker's turn at bat on The Lucy Show in November of 1965. The pairing was so dynamic that he returned in March the following year!

In case you've been living under a rock and don't know, Clint Walker was a towering, gentle giant who starred in the much-beloved western series Cheyenne. By 1965, he had also starred in a number of movies and was also trying to branch out from his die-cast image as a cowboy.

This magazine clipping from some years prior demonstrates how popular these two TV stars were. She'd been voted Favorite TV Comedienne in a poll and his show had been selected (from countless others in competition then) as readers' Favorite TV Western Program.

I've never been able to get my fill of CW in his prime.

Season 4, Episode 9 opens with Walker going over the details of a new office building with Mr. Mooney (Lucy's boss and major-league foil, played by Gale Gordon.)

Ball comes stumbling onto the site and soon enough is down, but not out. She's saved by the handsome Walker (who clearly has her attention already!)

I just love his jaunty little construction helmet. The arms... well, that goes without saying.

Thanks to the danger around, he issues her a helmet, too, which somehow is able to overcome her bouffant hairdo.

They eventually find themselves sharing lunch together waaaayyy up on the girders of what will become a 39-story skyscraper! (Incidentally, I couldn't love his li'l shoes any more if I tried. They're more clearly visible in the cover photo, albeit in black & white, and would still be acceptable style-wise today, I think!)

I'm not sure I could do such a thing myself, even for Clint, but Lucy was always putting herself in ludicrous situations for one reason or another.

He ultimately cajoles her into standing upright (and, natch, this was filmed in a studio in which they were barely off the ground!) Before its over, she's donned the wacky, flower-decorated helmet shown at the top of the post with her name painted on it.

The two have a dinner date for which they get all gussied up. (The studio audience went ape for Walker in a tuxedo, being so used to him in buckskin and canvas.)

Unfortunately, Walker has been up for 48 straight hours! He's ready to doze off at a moment's notice, regardless of his interest in Ball. Furthermore, he informs her that, once-asleep, he shouldn't be suddenly awakened because he tends to burst forth with karate immediately after being wrestled from slumber!

See what I mean? This contrived, gimmicky story line is really never believable for a moment, but it affords Ball a chance to (over)react and find herself in more personal comic peril.

After he takes out one of the columns in her home (!), she suggests he sit on the couch a moment.

But soon enough he's out again, has her pinned down, and she's afraid to rouse him!

It's rough, but what a way to go...

As I say, the looming Mr. Walker was enough of a hit that he was back again in Season 4, Episode 24. This time, he's working on another project financed by Mr. Mooney.

And, once again, Ball pratfalls her way into the site and into Walker's arms. (I'm not going to chide her for this as I've actually done similar things myself multiple times. In fact, one time as I shimmied down a row of stadium seats and "tripped" into the lap of a man I had a crush on, his girlfriend looked at me as said, "Yeah... I've seen your act before." Ha ha ha!!! Let it be known that she and I became fast, long-term friends after that. I thought it was hysterical. And she knew I was getting nowhere anyway. They're now married!)

Take a look at the differential between the looming Walker and the stout Gordon.

As is to be expected, Ball is agog over Walker once again. She finds out that his birthday is fast approaching and, since Gordon won't advance her any money for a present (he oversees a trust of hers), she decides she'll knit Walker a sweater!

While he rattles off figures regarding the construction site, she keeps trying to measure various parts of his build.

The two are often intertwined or otherwise physically engaged.

During one measurement attempt gone wrong, she winds up on top of the man! (She never does get that tape measure where I would be checking. Ha ha!)

Before it's all said and done, she's slammed him into a freshly-plastered wall.

Something clearly didn't go as planned, for when she's done with the sweater, it's massive, even considering that she's trying it out on Gordon...!

On his birthday, which happens to coincide with the bank's summer picnic, invitee Walker is coerced into playing the harmonica for a few of the revelers.

It was fun to see, among the small group of admirers, one Kathryn Janssen, a prolific TV and movie extra who is well-known among fans of The Poseidon Adventure (1972) as "Bun Lady."

Having worked on the sweater and all prepared to give it to him, Ball is mortified to discover that her gentle giant cannot stand the color red...! She tries to ditch the box in the lake and underground, but it keeps making its way back to her.

Finally, she hands over the distressed gift box to Walker only to find that the darn thing has SHRUNK!

Fortunately, he misunderstands and thinks that the sweater was meant for his beloved dog, Lightning!

So all is well in the end. And that, my friends, bring us to...

The End!

Oh, but wait! Yes, this is the end, but I simply had no choice but to re-excavate this HYSTERICAL YouTube comment that I found several years ago. It made such an impression on me then that I did a screenshot of it, which I've never discarded. I posted it here once many moons ago, but it's so outrageous that it bears seeing again. In fact, I have read this probably a minimum of 15 or 20 times since the day I found it and it has never, ever, including right now, allowed me to get all the way through it without wheezing hysterically and having tears well up in my eyes. The Internet is teeming with crazy, but this one gets the blue ribbon from me. Ha ha ha ha!!!!! Be good, my friends.

1 comment:

hsc said...

LOL! I was wondering why Clint Walker didn't make that list of "favorite things" in your 1000th post! (I didn't say anything, because I was worried you'd had a falling out...)

I guess it was just the age I was during his heyday, but wouldja believe that I never took any notice of Clint Walker AT ALL until I ran across that shirtless publicity photo with the axe from FORT DOBBS in a large book on movies that I bought when I was about 18 or 19? After that, I definitely noticed!

Oddly enough, I've still never seen a single episode of CHEYENNE and only a handful of his movies (I sure made a point to see FORT DOBBS!), but I remember both these episodes of THE LUCY SHOW from endless rotation on TV. And I've tracked down a number of clips on YouTube, like this one of his debut at 27 as a "Tarzan" pastiche in the "Bowery Boys" B-feature JUNGLE GENTS (1954):

I'm pretty sure I saw it on ME-TV or Antenna TV rather than YouTube, but I also caught part of an episode of THE JACK BENNY SHOW where he guested-- and while introducing him, Benny pretty much drooled over him and actually even *climbed up him* to get a closer look at his blue eyes! Then after that manhandling, Clint went over to another set and performed a couple of songs in that distinctive deep voice of his. Whew!

Thanks for posting this "catch-up" on one of our shared "favorite things," Poseidon-- and for all you do! This blog is one of MY "favorite things"!

Love to all, and be safe and well, everyone!