Today is March 17th, St. Patrick's Day! We tend to celebrate holidays here in The Underworld just a little bit differently than regular folks do. Today, I'm throwing out a hefty pot of Pats and Patricks to you (Just the men this time! No Pattys or Patricias. After my recent, exhaustive post on Logan's Run - with its 67 pictures! - my poor little fingers are just worn out!) Some of the gentlemen are sexy, some not so much. I do strive to bring out the unusual whenever I can. Do you know each of these? Do you have a favorite? Who did I forget? There is one repeat amongst them because I found it too hard to narrow the photos of the man in question down to just one (and they couldn't be easily combined like I did with a few others.) Since I am not Sophie, I don't have to make a Choice! They're both here.
Did you know that I truly am of Irish descent myself? I was born in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, but came to the U.S. as an infant. A star (in my own mind) even then, I was chosen to be featured in a St. Patrick's Day newspaper photo op on March 17th of 1968. This shot is of yours truly way back when! Today, this fully-grown leprechaun is wishing you all the luck in the world. Also along those lines, allow me to offer up the third and final music video of one of my singing solos. (You'll see what I mean by luck when you get there.) If you opt to subject yourself to it (and it's only 2-1/2 minutes long), do be sure to stick around for the last 30 seconds. I think the hastily-recorded number is rough in spots, but the slam-bang finale isn't too bad and, as you might expect, I put a couple of celebs in there. And now, on to the photos!
Dear Mr. Poseidon So many "Patrick", some of them really good, some other not that much. I really prefer Mr. Patrick Mc Goohan : not the most "macho" man around, but he acted in the "cult" television british series "The prisoner". He was an excellent actor, and this series remains for me the most puzzling, strange, yet sophisticated I have ever seen. I have a question : I have never heard of Patrick O'Neal, but what is this (rather skinny) actor doing naked in what appears to be the White house (with a photo of the late president Lyndon Johnson behind him)? From what strange film is this shot taken? Please let me know.
Hello Ana Maria. Glad to see you're still with me! (You, too, Thombeau!) The Patrick O'Neal photo is from an obscure 1966 comedic spy film called Matchless. It's about a jouranlist (O'Neal) who comes upon a magic ring that turns the wearer invisible (but not his clothes!) So when he materializes, he is naked and has to quickly find cover. I've never seen this myself. I have to assume he was skulking around the Oval Office and then had to duck behind a chair. O'Neal was a moderately successful actor who played villains well. He took Joanne Woodward away from Paul Newman in From the Terrace (1960) and was memorably sinister in The Stepford Wives (1975.)
Thank you for your answer about Patrick O'Neal. He will not join my very short list of handsome forgotten actors but it is always interesting to learn some silly little story from a forgotten film. You seem to know a lot from all these (forgotten or not) films. But, after all, it is the minimum we can expect from Poseidon himself.
Yes, joel, when I found that I knew it had to be THE picture of Macnee (whose name is miscapitalized in the snap, sadly...) for today! I love her and was thrilled that she had green on.
@Scooter, he's on Days of Our Lives right now and just completed a Sinbad (sci-fi version) film. He plays Sinbad. I think he's one of those people that should be bigger than they are. He had everything for success but hasn't made it very far. It IS unfortunate. So many others (not as attractive or as talented) get so much further.
Wow! Just wanted to say how impressed I was by your singing voice and how much i loved the video clip! What chops! Very jealous because I love to sing but couldn't find a note if it came up and shook my hand. Loved the video and, regarding this post, very impressed with your readers for not stooping to making some lowbrow, and apparently irresistible, for me, joke about your Londonderry-air. Belated Happy St.Pat's Day, Poseidon!
Thank you Ken and NotFelixUnger for your kind remarks about the song. (Ken, had you listened to the other two that were posted in the most recent Fun Finds a while back? I only ask because most people prefer I Who Have Nothing to the rest.)
I'm apologizing in advance that my posts have been fairly infrequent lately, but I have had a crazy busy two weeks with much to do in and out of work. There is much more in the pipeline and I'll be posting it as soon as possible. Thanks again!
Thanks for the tip-off to the other songs! You have such a versatile voice...very adaptable and strong in an array of song styles. I can't pick a favorite, you sound awesome in them all!
"To Jon-I really enjoyed your blog! Love Joan" -- Dame Joan Collins (via autographed menu supplied by a mutual friend!) Photos of Menu & Joan
"Thank you for your nice message, and for the link to your blog. I had actually seen your blog before - a friend showed it to me a year or two ago. You clearly have an intense and wonderful passion for cult and genre cinema... Thank you for joining my page, and for sharing your passion for EARTHQUAKE and other films of that remarkable era in our industry. My husband would have gotten a huge kick out of it! With love, Monica"-- Monica Lewis Tribute to Monica
"Oh, and for those who are looking for fascinating, funny, often outré online reading about vintage, sometimes obscure, movies, TV shows and stars, try the blog, “Poseidon’s Underworld.” You’ll find everything from detailed and witty biographies to posts on how stars wore their clothes — or didn’t — as each show biz decade constricted or loosened up. Heavily illustrated and highly informative". - Liz Smith - Liz Smith -
"I just discovered your profile about me and my career. I was flattered and very happy with the photos (some I had never seen) and your talented style of writing. As a gesture of thanks, I would like to send you a signed copy of my book. I think you would enjoy it. So if you would like one or a signed photo, let me know with an address I can send it to. - Sincerely, Mark Goddard" (via e-mail) Tribute to Mark
Dear Mr. Poseidon
So many "Patrick", some of them really good, some other not that much.
I really prefer Mr. Patrick Mc Goohan : not the most "macho" man around, but he acted in the "cult" television british series "The prisoner". He was an excellent actor, and this series remains for me the most puzzling, strange, yet sophisticated I have ever seen.
I have a question : I have never heard of Patrick O'Neal, but what is this (rather skinny) actor doing naked in what appears to be the White house (with a photo of the late president Lyndon Johnson behind him)? From what strange film is this shot taken? Please let me know.
Hello Ana Maria. Glad to see you're still with me! (You, too, Thombeau!) The Patrick O'Neal photo is from an obscure 1966 comedic spy film called Matchless. It's about a jouranlist (O'Neal) who comes upon a magic ring that turns the wearer invisible (but not his clothes!) So when he materializes, he is naked and has to quickly find cover. I've never seen this myself. I have to assume he was skulking around the Oval Office and then had to duck behind a chair. O'Neal was a moderately successful actor who played villains well. He took Joanne Woodward away from Paul Newman in From the Terrace (1960) and was memorably sinister in The Stepford Wives (1975.)
Dear Mr. Poseidon
Thank you for your answer about Patrick O'Neal. He will not join my very short list of handsome forgotten actors but it is always interesting to learn some silly little story from a forgotten film. You seem to know a lot from all these (forgotten or not) films. But, after all, it is the minimum we can expect from Poseidon himself.
Nice touch having a picture with the divine Diana Rigg wearing green standing next to Patrick Macnee.
Yes, joel, when I found that I knew it had to be THE picture of Macnee (whose name is miscapitalized in the snap, sadly...) for today! I love her and was thrilled that she had green on.
Poseidon, great voice! I keep telling you, sell the CD. I'll definitely grab one.
Thanks for reminding me of all the Patricks I've yet to have -er, autograph picturewise, I mean. :-)
One Patrick Muldoon going out this week! (Think it's the chest?)
Thanks for the shot of Patrick Muldoon! Whatever happened to him and his (unfortunately) stalled career?
@Scooter, he's on Days of Our Lives right now and just completed a Sinbad (sci-fi version) film. He plays Sinbad. I think he's one of those people that should be bigger than they are. He had everything for success but hasn't made it very far. It IS unfortunate. So many others (not as attractive or as talented) get so much further.
@NotFelixUnger, thanks for the update on Mr. Muldoon. I'll have to look for that vesion of Sinbad!
Wow! Just wanted to say how impressed I was by your singing voice and how much i loved the video clip! What chops! Very jealous because I love to sing but couldn't find a note if it came up and shook my hand. Loved the video and, regarding this post, very impressed with your readers for not stooping to making some lowbrow, and apparently irresistible, for me, joke about your Londonderry-air. Belated Happy St.Pat's Day, Poseidon!
Thank you Ken and NotFelixUnger for your kind remarks about the song. (Ken, had you listened to the other two that were posted in the most recent Fun Finds a while back? I only ask because most people prefer I Who Have Nothing to the rest.)
I'm apologizing in advance that my posts have been fairly infrequent lately, but I have had a crazy busy two weeks with much to do in and out of work. There is much more in the pipeline and I'll be posting it as soon as possible. Thanks again!
Thanks for the tip-off to the other songs! You have such a versatile voice...very adaptable and strong in an array of song styles. I can't pick a favorite, you sound awesome in them all!
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