What got my attention in this batch of movies – the clean colors, the wondrous music, the suspenseful stories, the cool blonde leading ladies – led me to seek out his earlier work. Each time I saw

As I began to investigate the man’s work and the man himself, I soon discovered that we had many similar fetishes, phobias and fascinations. For example, he had a fear of authority figures stemming from a childhood incident in which his father had him placed in a jail cell briefly to prove a point. I am also wary of the police and other uniformed officials. He also loved women who present an icy, secure, confident front, but who may have simmering passions under that surface. Likewise, he seemed to enj

My favorite Hitchcock movie is Vertigo, which was also his most personal film. Everything about it from the obsessive nature of James Stewart to the gauzy beauty of Kim Novak to the swirling music to the unforgettable Edith Head clothing captivates me thoroughly. It’s definitely a film that provokes either praise or derision depending on one’s outlook. However, there are so many other gems including Psycho, The Birds, Notorious, The Man Who K

Even in those of his films that aren’t complete successes, I usually find something I love – a set piece, a performer, a stylistic choice, the music. Torn Curtain may not be a terrific movie, but it has hunky Paul Newman in his prime and in gorgeous color. Likewise, Marnie features a young Sean Connery and the elegant Tippi Hedren along with the wondrously cranky work of Louise Latham. I Confess features stunning black and white photography. To Catch a Thief features one of my all time favorite dresses, a blue
chiffon Grecian number that stands out vividly against Grace Kelly’s tan. There is only one Alfred Hitchcock sound film that I have not seen. I just cannot seem to get through it or to even make myself do so and that is Jamaica Inn. I adore Maureen O’Hara and have enjoyed Charles Laughton in things, but this one eludes me. Maybe someday…

Hi! Loving this, having just discovered your site this evening. Just wanted to note that at the bottom of this article, the Grace Kelly / Cary Grant film title is "To Catch A Thief" rather than "It Takes..." I made a similar discovery of Hitchcock films when I was about 12 or so--I completely relate!
Oh Lord...... how embarrasing! It's fixed now. Thanks for catching and welcome to The Underworld!
Poseidon, I am currently reading The Making of Vertigo. It's fairly in-depth but as these things go, it's not particularly exciting. I'd stick with the film for sure.
I think Vertigo is in the top group but I usually think that Rebecca is my favorite of his early movies even though it's currently out of favor. I also particularly like Rear Window (so much with so little!), and North By Northwest (the designs are amazing).
As for Jamaica Inn, I think it is generally considered his worst film, so don't fret about not having seen it (or maybe you have by now?). I confess that I never made it through I Confess despite having the dreamy Montgomery Clift in it. And I'm not really sure I've successfully made it through The Wrong Man or Topaz.
Dave, I see you've been wading through some of the old posts! Thank you!! I have "Rebecca" on DVD and plan to watch it again soon. It's been a long while. There's a pretty lengthy tribute here to the great (Dame) Judith Anderson if you're a fan of hers. I wound up liking "I Confess" on DVD more than I expected to, though I agree that "The Wrong Man" and "Topaz" are not really my thing. Once or twice was plenty!
Yes, I enjoy going back to the old posts, but I am not sure if I'm supposed to comment. Sounds like it's okay.
Okay, I'll give I Confess another try. Monty makes it easier. :-)
Big Momma and Mrs. Danvers? Judith Anderson was amazing.
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