Today’s sunny subject, Miss Doris Day, has had several curves head her way, but a positive ou

Born in the Cincinnati, Ohio suburb of Evanston in 1922, Doris Kappelhoff (as she was then known) was the daughter of German immigrants. Her father, a music teacher, was an alcoholic, a fact that eventually broke up her parents’ marriage. Day wanted more than anything to be a dancer. In fact, she and Vera-Ellen, who hailed from nearby Norwood, carpooled to the same ballet class.
In the mid-30s, Day and a male partner had formed a successful dance duo and by 1937 (when she was still only 15!) they made plans to head to Hollywood. Sadly, in what was one of her first major setbacks, the night before their departure, she was involved in a serious car accident that damaged her legs!
Her dance career now in shambles, Doris turned to singing as an avocation and took lessons. Within a couple of years, she was singing locally to good response and finally wound up

In 1945, she was singing with Les Brown and recorded the song Sentimental Journey, which became a smash hit, striking a chord with soldiers returning from WWII as well as their waiting wives and girlfriends. She then married a second husband, but the marriage didn’t even last a year. She continued to tour heavily with hit records springing forth here and there.
In another one of those twists of fate (this time a good one), she was in Los Angeles, but readying to come home to Cincinnati, weary of the demands of be

Day now had a leading role in a colorful musical film and a contract with Warner Brothers! She was paired three times in a row with husky, but charming, Jack Carson, also working thrice, later, with handsome Gordon MacRae. In 1950, she was given a dramatic role in th

Day married for a third time in 1951, this time to Martin Melcher, a man who would become her manager and to whom she would stay married the longest. He adopted her son from the first marriage, who then went by the name Terry Melcher.
She continued to make many colorful and bright musicals, offering cheerful, perky performances, but ones that were generally pretty undemanding. Though Day had taken dancing and singing lessons, she had not taken acting lessons and adopted a very honest and genuine style that came from feeling the scenes as much as she was able to had they been occurring with her in real life.
In 1953, she made Calamity Jane, a z

James Cagney was her costar in the film Love Me or Leave Me, a bio-pic of singer Ruth

Next was the chance to work for The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, in The Man Who Knew Too Much. She played the ex-singer spouse of doctor James Stewart, on an extended trip with their young son through Marrakech and oth

Day, who looks appealing in tailored Edith Head clothes, went places in the role that dredged up hysterical feelings and it’s a very authentic portrayal. She, however, having little or no acting training, felt insecure about her work, especially since Hitch said almost nothing to her during filming. Finally, distraught, she went to him and asked to be taken off the picture since she was not giving him what he wanted. He replied, in typically dry fashion, that the reason he hadn’t given her any direction or spoken to her was because she was doing exactly what he wanted her to! After that, she was able to relax and continue on with more confidence.
The script required her to sing (and sing!) a song as part of the rescu

During the filming of Man, Day witnessed some unkind treatment towards various animals being used in and around the location site of Morocco and it awakened in her the desire to guard against cruelty to animals. Though this wouldn’t completely manifest itself in every way at first, it was the start of a new chapter in her life nonetheless.
That same year, 1956, she took on another dramatic role, this one featuring no singing at all (other than over the opening credits.) She played the title character in Julie, an early (and overwrought) example of a stalker flick, in whic

The climax involves her character, a stewardess, having to land a passenger jet after Jourdan takes out the flight crew! A precursor to Karen Black’s frantic piloting in Airport 1975, this nail-biter is equally hysterical, even more so because of the hilarity of the scenes that come before it and the desperate voice-overs Day provides. And Day flies the plane very frequently with her eyes closed! Still, the nature of the story, with a cruel man trying to hurt her, dredged up many unpleasant feelings for her of her two prior m

She actually had reason to feel bad beyond the emotional aspects of the filming. She discovered after wrapping the movie that she had a large ovarian cyst and it required a hysterectomy. Two positives came from the experience. One was that she discovered the stunning district of Carmel, California, where some of the scenes were shot and the other is that she made friends with Jourdan and later lived across the street from him in Beverly Hills.

When The Pajama Game (an adaptation of a hit Broadway musical) was made, practically the entire cast was brought along to film it. Out, however, was female lead Janis Paige, whose role was played by Doris. Here she and costar John Raitt (father of famous singer Bonnie) share one pair of pjs.
A major shift in Doris’s career came about in 1959. Producer Ross Hunter decided to cast Day in his romantic comedy Pillow Talk, about the unlikely love affair that springs up between two very differing people who share a party line on their telephone (almost inconceivable now, there was a day when more than one household would share the same telephone line and courtesy was expected if the other perso

Rock Hudson was cast as the leading man (after having said no three times!) and Tony Randall played a key supporting part as Rock’s rival for Doris’s affection. Hunter (rightly) suspected that Doris Day was hiding a rocking figure and enlisted designer Jean Louis to bring it out in an eye-popping series of suits and g

Day received her first (and only) Oscar nomination for the film. It has been suggested that her nomination was accidental - a backfire caused by a sliding scale process that studio heads utilized to secure nominations for their chosen few. (During the "Studio Era" nomination choices were weighted, depending on the order they were listed on Academy member ballots, with first place gleaning five votes, second choice four votes, etc... Chiefs encouraged voters from their studios to list the golden boy or girl in spot one and fill out the rest with lesser lights, in order to ensure that their selections made it through with ease. The story goes that Doris won enough of the lower tier votes to secure a nomination.) Nonetheless, the fact remains that she is expert in the film and it’s gratifying to see someone rewarded for comedy rather than the usual “sturm und drang.”

One of my favorite Day moments is in Flowers whe

Just before Rock and Doris teamed up for the second time, she filmed the glitzy and

Many folks are surprised, considering ho

In it, Day has been shipwrecked for 5 years and comes back to find herself declared legally dead and her husband Garner freshly married to Polly Bergen. All sorts of contrived complications ensue, but it’s generally a good time and the film was the 6th most successful one of its year, 1963. Presumably, Doris’s almost white hair and its bouffant style is a holdover from the design scheme determined when Marilyn had the part?
Day’s next two films, Do Not Disturb and The

One thing that might have

In 1968, after working steadily for all those years and having earned millions of dollars, Melcher died and Doris was horrified to find that, not only had he and her attorney squandered all of her lifelong earnings, but that she was deeply in debt and, to add insult to injury, had signed

Day, to that point, had scarcely ever appeared on TV and never in an acting capacity. Now she was faced, freshly widowed, with a mountain of debt and a series to work on. In true indomitable Doris Day spirit, she dove into the work and got through the first season. However, before long, she took the reins and demanded that the program be suited to her own tastes. Her sit-com The Doris Day Show went through many permutations over its five-year run, but was generally a success. She chose Que Sera Sera (Whatever Wil

The legal entanglements of her financial debacle went on for years and years in an almost indecipherable quagmire. Finally, she was awarded a settlement and that, paired wit

Years later, in 1985, she would u

In 1989, Day was selected to receive the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award by The Hollywood Foreign Press and she made a very rare public appearance to accept it in person. At the podium, she spoke of her long

Her son is recently deceased (and, to be honest, only survived death during Charles Manson’s killing spree years before because he happened to move out of the house prior to The Roman Polanskis moving in!) and she doesn’t fly anywhere thanks to some close calls in the air during trips to entertain troops during WWII. A grass roots proposal to honor her with an Honora

Because of her reclusiveness and the fact that she won’t allow her singing voice to be used in any film that includes profanity, her recognizability these days is severely limited. It doesn’t change, however, the many hours of entertainment she provided while at her peak. She retains a legion of fans and Poseidon must be counted among them.
What actresses do you think they were trying to shut out in 1959?
I'm going to revise this section of the posting a little. My research into it wasn't recent enough for me to recall the circumstances exactly and I don't want to put out wrong info (however, for various reasons among studio heads, Lee Remick, Marilyn Monroe and Lana Turner were all denied a shot at the trophy despite their strong work - of varying degrees - in three highly successful and otherwise nominated films.)
Count me amongst her fans, she was a wonderful dramatic actor and we all know she was tops in comedy.
Just discovered this site after seeing it mentioned on the wonderful 'Shaken, Not Stirred'--I've already favorited it. Thanks (esp/ for the Joan Crawford stuff, which I've already backtracked to)I think I love her as much as you do! Very, ver nice job! Rob
The Man Who Knew Too Much is one of those films that, if I stumble upon it, I have to watch until the Albert Hall sequence. I love Doris anyway, but that part stands out to me. That and her being sedated in order to take the news of Hank's kidnapping. Also, of no importance to anything bur my own mania, I'm not a big lover of the short, ducktail 'do, so I adore that they slapped a closely-molded bun on the back of her head. It feminizes her more somehow for me.
I had forgotten about all three! I am sure that there was some anti-Marilyn sentiments - clearly she gave one of the best performances of the year, and only bad feelings against her could have prevented a deserved nomination.
Wonderful post, as usual. Love the Day! (And I'm jel-jel of that costume shot from Do Not Disturb - I've been looking for one!)
TJB, I did think of you when I posted that. I saw that you had linked a clip of that scene a while back on your own stellar site. I saw the movie for the first time only a few weeks or so ago, I think on TCM. I didn't hang on to it and afterwards heard that Racquel is an extra in it. Now I can't scan for her... oh well.
I love Doris, but I think her dramatic acting is not always up to par, and IMO, Midnight Lace is a good example. Her breakdown scene at the top of the stairs is one of the unintentionally funniest godawful pieces of acting I've ever seen.
I recently saw the movie I, Tonya - it's absolutely hysterical and full of profanity, but Doris Day's voice singing Dream a Little Dream of Me was used.
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