Finally! Though it isn't officially "summer" yet according to the calendar, it's good enough for me. Memorial Day weekend signifies the start of swimming pool season in there here parts and we always mark the occasion with a parade. A parade of male celebs wearing swimming attire, Speedos if we can manage it! Our cover boy this time is Ken Clark, better known to most of us as Stewpot from
South Pacific (1958) during an on-location wardrobe test. (In my opinion, he passed the test with flying colors!) You can read more about him (and see him even better)
right here! Now, let's get the pool party started...
This article will tell you a little bit more about the movies' most famous Tarzan, Johnny Weissmuller, as well as present him to you in a suit versus the usual loincloth. |
Another Olympian who played Tarzan (in a 1933 serial) is yummy Buster Crabbe, seen here flanked by two galpals. |
One of the early sound cinema's rather unsung hunks, Chester Morris, giving a punching bag a nice going-over. |
1940s & '50s leading man John Payne. |
We don't see too much of screen villain David Brian (un)dressed this way. Swimsuits have changed a lot since the 1940s! |
Almost unrecognizable in his island-flavored garb is none other than Robert Preston! This was during Typhoon (1940.) |
Between set-ups of From Here to Eternity's (1953) famed love scene on the beach is Mr. Burt Lancaster. |
A fairly scarce color photo of Farley Granger in some trunks. |
Esther Williams with then-costar and then-lover hunky Jeff Chandler (during A Raw Wind in Eden, 1958), who she later accused of cross-dressing in her suspect autobiography. |
Mercy! Take in the bronze, rippled glory of physique model turned actor Ed Fury |
Fury, seen horsing around here with an equine friend, was also in South Pacific, but not dressed like this. (Wonder if this horse was jealous?) |
Richard Burton taking in the sun, sand & surf. |
We've all seen the other picture of John Bromfield and Tab Hunter, but here's another angle (double! - so to speak, with the angling of the rod & reel and the angle that Tab is leaning!) |
Here's another young gent who isn't that easy to readily identify. It's Gig Young in an early piece of "beefcake" publicity. (Methinks he didn't go around in shorts too often.) |
William Holden models a trim physique (and a trim swimsuit!) |
The young man seen canoodling here on the beach is one Mark Damon, 1960s actor turned producer. |
Look out! John Saxon is making a splash in his summer suit. |
I know that many of my readers have a fondness for Mr. Saxon, so I'm providing a whole little section of this post to him today. |
Mmmm... We like him with next to nothing on. |
And he seems rather eager to please in this last one. |
Two of the young men from A Private's Affair (1959), Barry Coe and Sal Mineo. I think "A Private Affair" would have sounded more promising! |
You lucky dog...! Getting to romp on the beach (and in the air!) with hunky Rod Taylor. |
Hmmmm.... Looks like handsome John Gavin's got ahold of one of his balls. :::snort::: |
Last year we showed two pics of young Warren Beatty in the TV show Suspicion, a very early appearance by him, but here's one more we found. |
This is a rather unusual shot of Tony Curtis and pal George Hamilton, enjoying the sun. |
Here we find a bit more sullen Curtis on the deck of a boat. |
Hey, if you caught those semi-nude black & white pics of Steve McQueen that surfaced a few years ago, now you can finally see what color his clingy swimsuit was before he undid it and tossed it away! ;-) |
This little strip of photos from a magazine are of Tom Jones and his family. |
One of the all-time hunks as far as we're concerned, John F. Kennedy Jr. |
Mr. Tom Selleck |
David Hasselhoff aside a bubbling jacuzzi. |
Always adorable Gregory Harrison. |
It still surprises us that we don't hate Zac Efron! I'm even considering seeing his new film Baywatch (2017)...! |
This is Darren Criss (once of Glee) who'll be portraying a famous killer in season three of the FX series American Crime Story. |
The season's storyline will be "The Assassination of Gianni Versace" and Criss is portraying Versace's dangerous boy toy Andrew Cunanan. |
This battered (and bulging) personage is Michael Fassbender in the 2015 adaptation of Macbeth. Hmmm... almost makes it worth giving Shakespeare another try. |
And now a few of our infamous movie-specific photo essays. This first one features an unlikely actor to be wearing a rather unbecoming one-piece. |
It's movie tough guy Lyle Bettger in Carnival Story (1954.) |
He plays a daring high diver who climbs a tall ladder before hurling himself into a tiny pool below. |
The suit is particularly revealing from behind... that's a lot of ass flank for 1954! LOL |
And in case you're wondering, yes, he did think it was a humiliating costume according to his costar Anne Baxter, who said he'd belt back a drink or two between takes in the dreaded thing. |
On to other things, we visit the college swimming pool of the movie High Time (1960.) |
The Bing Crosby vehicle has the aging crooner heading back to school to earn his degree and rooming in the dorms with the younger guys. |
In the foreground is Crosby's costar, the yummy li'l Fabian (but don't forget to check out the guys in the red swimsuits either!) |
This is what Fabian looked like at the time. Hmmm... maybe I need to go back and get my degree, too! |
And here we see Fabian emerging from the water himself. |
In the 1966 spy flick Agent Joe Walker: Operation Far East, known in its U.S. release as "So Darling, So Deadly," star Tony Kendall is looking really good in his own flimsy swimsuit. |
He's got a burly sidekick played by Brad Harris, whom he works pretty closely with and who also looks great in his trunks, too! |
We've featured Bekim Fehmiu and his abbreviated trunks from The Adventurers (1970) before, but here are some new ones. |
This hoot of a movie is a must-see, and not only for Fehmiu's teensy, clingy trunks. |
Football hero turned actor Fred Williamson sure never played the game professionally dressed like this! |
However, in the Blaxploitation flick Black Eye (1974), he romps on the beach with girlfriend Teresa Graves in this skimpy Speedo. |
Williamson was in terrific shape (I mean, you can't exactly hide anything in this get-up!) |
Sorry that the caps aren't clearer, but he was in motion and we do the best we can. |
During our April Showers post this spring, we showed some shots of John Allen Nelson from Hunk (1987.) Here he is again, fulfilling the needs of another category. |
The bronze, blond, buff actor struts around the beach, attracting the attention of practically everyone around (but, if you'll look behind him in the picture at far right, another bather has a Speedo on. They were rather commonplace for a time.) |
Of course, not everyone looked as chiseled in their suits as Nelson did. |
The (cheesy, if we're being honest) movie even treats us to a close-up! |
Moving on to some TV for a moment, we find 1960s teen actor Michael Callan guest-starring on a 1974 installment of the detective series Barnaby Jones. As Penny Fuller darts to the pool to speak with him, he's emerging in a scant blue bikini bottom. |
Barnaby Jones was hardly a hot series for showing off beefcake, so this was a startling sight! Callan is pitching a pup tent as he reaches for his nearby robe. |
Look seriously at just how abbreviated this swimsuit is! |
It seems a bit much for even Fuller to take in and she's playing his lover in the teleplay! Callan's wet arms have notable trouble sliding into the terry cloth robe, for which we're grateful. |
I mean, seriously... CRACK on Barnaby Jones! LOL Incidentally, this third season episode is presented in its full, uncut glory while most, if not all, of the rest have been edited by a few minutes for syndication. It makes me wonder if this one was deliberately held back from reruns due to the scanty swimsuit and the fact that the show would likely be seen earlier in the day than when first aired. |
By the way, I also have this little collage of Callan from the 1962 teen crime drama 13 West Street. The pool he's swimming in this time is the distinctive one that was used multiple times on The Colbys and in many other movies and TV programs. |
Next we turn to Dallas, where star Patrick Duffy is taking a dip in the Ewing swimming pool with his almost-relative Kristin Shepard (played at this juncture by Colleen Camp, not the more notable Mary Crosby.) |
As the two emerge from the pool, we find that Mr. Duffy is wearing a snug little red Speedo. |
Make that a clingy, butt-hugging, Speedo. Duffy was still rather fresh off his cancelled sci-fi series The Man from Atlantis and, thus, was still in pretty decent shape from all the swimming he did in that! |
And now, ladies and gentlemen, we come to the big finish. The pièce de résistance! As far as I'm concerned this is excavation research on par with King Tut's tomb and Al Capone's vault! I give you the television debut of one Gil Gerard (and what a day it was!) |
Known to us more for Airport '77 (1977) and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, these shots are from Mr. Gerard's very first day on the job of the daytime soap opera The Doctors in 1973. |
Gerard played a surgeon who'd previously been a P.O.W. and was living in Hawaii with his controlling wife, but who was then offered a spot at the show's Hope Memorial Hospital. |
I guess the producers wanted to make sure that viewers were drawn to him right away. His first three appearances on the show were shirtless! |
Gerard (who'd only made one scant appearance in a low-budget movie previously) was bound to be nervous enough for the taped-live program, but then to have to do the whole scene wearing next to nothing...! |
Anyway...we were thrilled to land upon this historical documentation of one of our beloved TV hunks, who was probably never leaner in his life than at this exact moment. We hope you enjoyed him, too! |
So, with that, we (and Johnny Mack Brown) announce: The End! |