Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Be Mine!

It's February 14th, commonly recognized as Valentine's Day. So I've aimed Cupid's arrow into the sky and rounded up - what else? - 14 vintage hunks for your perusal. Most of them have been on the receiving end of a tribute here, so if you wish to know more about a certain one, you can click on his name. Have a wonderful day today!

John Bromfield

Robert Conrad

Alain Delon

Chad Everett

John Gavin

Jeffrey Hunter

Tab Hunter

Guy Madison

Paul Newman

Franco Nero

Hugh O'Brian

John Smith

Clint Walker

Van Williams

~ ~ ~ ~ BONUS PICS ~ ~ ~ ~

This is such a bizarre portrait of Tab... Symbolic of the torment he suffered in the Hollywood closet? Phallic symbols coming at him? So odd.

John Smith being put through his publicity paces with momentary starlet Sharon Dexter.

Two of our hunks, Robert and Van, in a VERY friendly workout session.

The End!


  1. Cupid's arrow went straight to my heart with that picture of Robert Conrad. Who never looked like a teenager even in those early films of his. Is that Janice Rule next to him? I also loved the nunchuck photo of Franco Nero, campy yet sexy. Happy Valentine's to all

  2. The pic of Franco Nero, shirtless with the numchucks! SWOON!

  3. The pic of John Bromfield's bare soles--SO HOT!!!

  4. Another great post, Poseidon!

    There is some joke to be made about Tab and Jeffery, the Hunter brothers, but I can't come up with it now.

    Thanks again!

  5. Love the list! I hope we can add / delete for our own personalization. For me I'd have to include my two perennial favorites Grant Williams and George Nader (my tastes go to opposite ends of the spectrum!) I recently went out on a limb and purchased the complete series of "Hawaiian Eye" on DVD. Warner Brothers has never officially released it (wink) and I'm sure never will but it's chock full of young Robert Conrad eye candy. Also, the Technicolor photography of him in another WB epic "Palm Springs Weekend" is absolutely mesmerizing! Van Williams, as seen in the first season opening episode of "Surfside 6" parades around the houseboat in snug-fitting '60's style boxer briefs most of the time. The real crime is they covered him up more as the series continued!

  6. Franco has that dark, Mediterranean look that makes me squiggle, though that nunchucks pose is a bit much. Guy and Jeffrey just look so darn cheerful and healthy in those pool side pics, I just want to frolic with them. (Haven’t had a decent frolic in ages). And Hugh’s bathing suit! Did paisley ever look so yummy?

  7. Nice and classic. Little to no tats, body hair and manliness.


  8. Franco Nero looks like Stacey Keach in that Numchucks photo, circa his "Mike Hammer" days. I need to, uh, research Nero, STAT!!!

    Watched "Fantastic Voyage" (On HBOMAX) last night in honor of Raquel Welch, and Stephen Boyd was a looker too, back then! Still a really good movie.

    Excellent work, again as usual, Poseidon!

  9. Gingerguy, I struggled to figure out who Conrad's playmate is in that photo. I don't know that it's Janice Rule (and it's not Julie Adams, who briefly crossed my mind), but it looks like it's from an episode of "Hawaiian Eye" so it could just be a starlet who didn't quite do much thereafter.

    I was really rather startled that the nunchuck photo of Franco Nero drew so much response from you all...! I nearly left it out because it seemed more contemporary compared to most of the other pics in this particular post. I guess it's a good thing for most of you that I kept it! I did keep Bromfield's feet in the photo, knowing it would appeal to someone out there...!

    Regarding "Hawaiian Eye" and "Surfside 6" - I always want to watch those shows, thinking there will be beachside beefcake galore and then find out that so often it's more like "Perry Mason" or "Burke's Law" ish detective work. Sort of conventional. But I will want to see Van in his li'l get up for sure!

    Dan, I was taken with Hugh's suit, too! As everyone knows, I'm obsessed with his trunks in "Love Has Many Faces" but these were fun, too!

    Brad, you'll have to struggle to find a tattoo on this site...! There might be one here and there, but I imagine it's 99-44/100% the opposite.

    Forever1267, I love watching "Fantastic Voyage," too, and saw it only about 3 or 4 months ago. Love the colors, the photography, the wetsuits... Thanks!

  10. The actress with Robert Conrad is Julie Payne, from an episode of Wild Wild West: The Night of Sudden Death (1965), available on Youtube.

  11. A, thank you! I would have bet my ass the lady's name was Julie. I even looked up (of all people) Julie Budd, thinking that might be it. How neat that she was the daughter of John Payne and Anne Shirley. For nothing else, I ought to have recalled her from "The Big Valley" on which she once guested.

  12. a lot to like about this post and yet it's not enough LOL :)
    thanks for posting! :)

  13. One reason the picture of shirtless Franco Nero is because it's the only pic with facial hair! Woof!


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