Monday, October 2, 2023

Poseidon Quickies: "Sea" Here!

I don't expect that too many readers are up on this movie, though several of you do surprise me at times with your depth of experience. The Witch Who Came from the Sea was filmed in 1971, but didn't see release until 1976! Directed by the last husband of Jayne Mansfield, Matt Cimber, it's all at once gritty, unsettling, tacky and thought-provoking, among other things. Written by Robert Thom (who penned Wild in the Streets, 1968, Angel, Angel, Down We Go, 1969, and Bloody Mama, 1970, if you need to gauge the crazy), his wife Millie Perkins was enlisted to play the lead. Yes, "Anne Frank" (!) starred as a frequently-topless serial killer with an eye for men. The movie is gory and sometimes uncomfortable. But as the victims are male, meaning the tables are turned from the normal type of exploitation in a horror flick, it did grab our attention! 

A magazine cover girl as a young lady, Perkins was hand-picked by George Stevens to test for the title role in The Diary of Anne Frank (1959.) The project made her a household name, though her movie career thereafter was scattered and inconsistent.

In Witch, Perkins portrays a troubled, heavy-drinking woman who is easily triggered by macho men who express their sexuality. As the film opens, she is observing a collection of bodybuilders who are going through their routines on the beach.


So far as I can tell, these men have some added stuffing in their Speedos.

See what I mean, Vern?

The more she watches these guys, the more fixated she becomes on their bulging biceps and bumpy bulges, all the we the viewer's benefit.

Eventually, she begins to visualize them all experiencing deadly accidents during their workout regimens.

Later, we find Perkins on her knees in a hotel room with a pair of football players.

The extended scene begins friendly enough...

Next thing you know she's pulled off her shirt and is tearing it into strips. (Do take note of the ice bucket... Holiday Inn!!)

Gene Rutherford and Jim Sims play the ballers.

The gents are too horny...

...and too high to really understand what they're about to be in for.

"Wherever we go... whatever we do... we're gonna go through it...


It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. And trust me. Someone does get hurt!

Still another victim arrives in the form of handsome Stafford Morgan.

This sort of guy reminds me of those who hung out with my dad when I was a pup and I find that sort of look pretty irresistible.

Yes, I mean you!

Morgan is a TV spokesmodel for a shaving safety razor.

While watching and listening to his pitch, Perkins begins to see things in the ad that aren't there.

Before her eyes, he suddenly has a razor blade out of its housing and begins to cut his own throat!

Later on, we catch him at home - post-coitus with Perkins - giving himself a morning shave.

Sexy as this shot is to me, he does have on a low-slung, orange towel here.

Perkins arrives to see how things have turned out.

Sadly, things don't turn out well at all for Morgan. But we do get to see his tantalizing tan lines in the reflection of the bathroom mirror!

Our final featured man is that rare thing, a victim of Perkins who got away with only a broken wrist!

Are you ready for this indoor pool that simply screams the late-'60s/early-'70s?!

The man in the water is non other than Rick Jason!

If you don't know, Jason was a 1950s movie actor (The Lieutenant Wore Skirts, 1956, and The Wayward Bus, 1957, to name two) who went on to costar on TV's Combat! The black & white pic here is from the 1969 Tom Tryon film Color Me Dead.

Not only do I love the fact that Jason's character is conducting an interview with the police while relaxing in his pool with a naked tart, but I love it even more that the actor is clearly wearing nothing in real life either!

Probably 90% or more of the actors in Tinseltown would have donned flesh-toned briefs.

I couldn't care less about whether he's got anything to show or whether you can get a really sharp look. I just adore his attitude about it!

The much-married Jason never quite reached the level of fame or success he would have liked, though he worked up until 1988. In 200, directly following a reunion in Las Vegas of some Combat! cast and crew, he took his own life by gunfire at age 77. (His Combat! costar Vic Morrow had perished back in 1982 in an on-set accident during the making of Twilight Zone, The Movie, 1983.)

The Witch Who Came from the Sea is not going to be for everyone. I've presented some of the male skin without the accompanying gore. But if you're interested in seeing it, there's a widescreen print of it right now on Tubi.

The End!


  1. Hi Poseidon!
    I'm sorry, but I think this is the weirdest movie you have ever profiled. It haves everything: strangely padded speedos, sunken living room (literally,) disturbing gore fantasies. The shaving fantasy reminds me of Martin Scorsese's The Big Shave (it's on youtube). This whole thing reads like it would be an odd comeback vehicle for Millie Perkins, except that she had a really long career. And she is still alive! And she was once married to Dean Stockwell!

    I'm surprised I've never noticed Rick Jason before. The photos online from him on Combat are really something.

    Thanks again!

  2. Male exploitation AND horror you say? An obscure find to say the least; Perkins has a fascinating mouth. Looking around the film is considered a "video nasty" of that era and got excellent reviews in retrospect. The director also helmed the infamous "Butterfly" starring Pia "I bought Pickfair then tore it down" Zadora. I can't say I liked it per se, I'm always hoping for more male skin, but whoever gets enough of that? I've always wondered what Hollywood had been like if the tables were at least balanced, if not turned when it comes to exploitation. I will say I'm glad I saw it, thank you so much for clueing us in!

  3. Hi Poseidon!

    Well you have dug deep this time round! I can't say I'm burning with desire to see this but it was fascinating reading about it. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you about Rick Jason's scene! Ah the freewheeling 70's!

  4. It's funny I knew all the Matt Climber movies mentioned and all were sadistic and exploitive, since I love the 60's I had watched each one for Nancy Sinatra or the camp but they leave a bad taste, this one looks the same. But fascinating with the exploitation of the men, That pool looks like an algae tank and the living room like a bad dream. Wow did Millie have a weird career, sidebar, there was a recent one woman show called "Anne Being Frank", you can't make this stuff up.

    I loved readubg this and all the badly stuffed speedos, I always wondered about this movie

  5. Think this will be a case of your watching so I don’t have to.

  6. A, no need to be sorry. I strive to present the offbeat! And this qualifies. Ha ha! My own pick for the weirdest movie I've featured (and it's not easy to determine) would be "Love Me Deadly."
    Hilarious about the sunken living room! I hope you find some things with Rick Jason that you like. He was actually a pretty dynamic actor, though not exactly a household name. Thanks!

    Ptolemy1, thank you! I know that waaaayy back in the day I saw both "Butterfly" and "The Lonely Lady" with Ms. Zadora. They were both pay cable mainstays, but are NEVER seen now. I get the aspects of them confused. And I'm so surprised that I never went after them to feature here. They seem just the sort of thing I'd pick apart. I loved your description of her! Ha ha!! You may have seen that they were going to tear down Marilyn Monroe's house recently, but it was stopped by local officials. Needless to say I'm always on the alert for the male physique in films. "Dinah East" was the ne plus ultra of that...!!

    joel65913, this was probably one of your briefest responses to a post here...! The movie and its contents must have left you a little speechless. Your reaction to Rick's bathtime was hysterical and worth the effort to bring it to the surface. Thanks.

    Gingerguy... "algae tank!" HYSTERICAL!!!!!! I did think the water seemed a little rank, but thought maybe it was the color of the pool walls or the tint of the film. You once said I could do a post on "pond scum" and you'd still read and comment on it, so I think this semi-proves it. Ha ha ha ha!!! I love when you mention various Off-Broadway (or sometimes WAY Off-Broadway) shows that I would otherwise never hear about out here in the hinterlands... Thanks.

    Oh Dan... Well, we can't win them all. ;-)

  7. I saw this back when it was released as a 4:3 low-budget video release, after having read about its weirdness in several sources. I'm glad to see that it's now available in a decent widescreen print!

    The bodybuilders in the opening scene don't get screen credit, and aren't listed on the IMDB. However, being a fan of '70s bodybuilding I can ID a couple!

    The scene actually shows *four* guys working out in the estabishing shot, but only focuses on three for some reason. I couldn't identify the guy o the horizontal bar in the print speedo. Even though he gets a bloodied close-up, he's shown too "face-planted" for a good ID.

    The guy on the rings in a white speedo is Denny Gable, who was in PUMPING IRON and popped up in bit parts in movies (minus the 'stache, he's one of Mae West's guys in SEXTETTE) and TV around this time.

    The black bodybuilder with a barbell is Bill Grant, who likewise did bit parts in TV and movies-- and more interestingly, also did nude "physique" modeling for AMG and others and even 8mm films-- though nothing explicit AFAIK, simply full nudity and posing.

    You can see what he actually had under that speedo in nude AMG shots on this "vintage physique photography" blog:

    Some of the films are out there as well, and can be found with a Google Video search.

    Thanks for posting this typically great look at a truly weird exploitation gem, and for providing a link to a good copy!

    Glad to see you're more active again, Poseidon, and thanks for all you do! Love to all and be safe and well, everyone!

  8. Hi hsc, thanks as always for the extra info on persona shown in posts here! Denny Gable was quasi-familiar-looking to me (having seen "Sextette" a few times) but I could never have named him. Grant was a Mr America and a Mr World around and just after this movie was shot! He certainly had nothing to be ashamed of, but I guess they were going for very exaggerated crotches on these guys as Millie began to hallucinate. This isn't really on topic, but came to mind. My grandfather was very country and would come up with hilarious remarks sometimes. When it came to bodybuilders, some of them get SO BIG with these massive thighs and all that other parts that may be perfectly normal can look diminished in comparison. We were watching something on TV about them and he said, "He's got a short fuse... all them bodybuilders have short fuses... that's why they do it!" And he pronounced short as "shart" - long before that had its own meaning - so you sort of had to hear it. Anyway, clearly not all had short fuses. Ha ha! And I sort of get what he meant when it came to "compensating" though often it was for other issues like height or a lack of inner confidence or to escape a rotten home life, etc... Take care and thanks again!


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