Friday, September 15, 2023

Poseidon Quickies: More Bumps in the Road

Ryan O'Neal
The month of September to date has wound up as another unintentional hiatus from posting.  Not only have I lost a significant source of material thanks to an issue with my home internet and laptop no longer coordinating, but I just lost another resource in that one of the sites I rely on has instituted software that prevents screen-caps! Some days it's like I'm a laboratory rat in a maze and the researchers keep putting up barriers whenever I head down one of the corridors. I have a (very) small collection of bulge photos that I'm going to share in the meantime. In March and April of 2021, I did three posts of this sort called "Bumps in the Road" and here is a late addition. I'm also going to take a moment to mention one thing. I recently got a comment on an older bulge post in which the viewer's sole comment was to deride the quality of one of the photos (there were 73 in all on the post!) It's a photo I still stand by regardless. Then they felt the need to comment again in order to correct a mis-naming that I did - not in the post but in the comments section. I let them ride rather than deleting them, but these are the type of "dicks" I DON'T need. If any photo here is not up to one's standards, then I suggest scrolling to the next one. And if that still doesn't do it, then I suggest heading to another, more explicit, site. There are plenty to choose from! I have, literally, thousands of bulge photos here, many of them quite rare and unusual, and some are more pronounced than others, but we do what we can to serve the cause. LOL! Now on we go... 

Lemme tell ya, it takes a lot to make my eyes veer from the visage of Miss Joan Crawford, but it did happen. She's seen here walking with on-screen hubby Fred MacMurray in 1943's Above Suspicion. They're trying to avoid any issues with the soldiers walking behind them.

With each step, the one on the far left seems to be revealing parts of himself.

Pretty soon, even Fred wants to know what's back there...! Ha ha!

"Ah jes love a man in uniform..."
On the subject of uniforms, I give you some space-age soldiers from the lesser-known Keir Dullea show The Starlost.
That's a mustached Dullea in the tan smock... if you can draw your eyes to him.

For some reason, and we ain't complaining, 1960s & '70s (and '80s!) sci-fi employed a lot of skin-tight fabric in the costuming.

This glimpse of Tony Curtis (seen with then-wife Janet Leigh - she's on the left!) was a reader submission.

Daktari is not a show I have ever seen a lot of. I think I saw some reruns as a kid, but memories are vague. However, after seeing costar Yale Summers in this installment, I'm beginning to think I missed out!

Summers is really not my usual type, but I think his slim, young-ish appeal will be of interest to some of you. (He actually looks younger than he was - He was 33 when the show began!)

There's a scene in the lab where I thought perhaps I was noticing something...

...then a shadow fell and I wasn't sure.

Then the sun came out again and I saw that I had been right...! (Or is this considered "left!" LOL)

In case you're wondering, Daktari is Swahili for Doctor... not that other D.

Vintage television isn't always dull and boring, no matter what anyone may tell you!

We've long been aware of Ben Gazarra as a potential bulger. His 1960s series Run for Your Life had its moments of example.

Seen here in a season one ep with Howard Keel and Bernie Hamilton, Gazarra wears some of the damnedest pants you're likely to see...

As I said once about another person in snug trousers. This took some balls! Ha ha!

'Course musician Frank Zappa took it to the next level...!

And so, as Fred Williamson might have said, "That's it until next time, baby!"


  1. Thanks for the great post, Poseidon. Always appreciate your dedication and perseverance. Hope things improve soon for you with the pc and the internet.

    Ben Gazzara looks great those white jeans, be he seems like he's a little self conscious of the fit, with his hands jammed into his pockets like that. It actually ends up emphasizing the tight fit. Which may have been his point, who knows?

    Thanks again!

  2. Like Gazzara wasn't already glorious, now there's THIS!

  3. It does seem there are those whose first thought each morning is “how can I be outraged today?” Like you, I have no patience for that nonsense. Be off, varlet!
    Never watched “Daktari”, never heard of Yale Summers, but he has a sort of “aw, shucks” quality I like. From some angles he reminds me of Robert Forster.
    Does look like Gazarra went golfing and forgot to empty his pockets.
    A brief post, but rest assured your hard work ain’t been in vain for nuthin’.

  4. P, you deserve only praise for your blog. Ignore them bitches. :) Gazarra...some low hanging fruit. But give me Williamson any day.

  5. Great post, Poseidon! These are always fun!

    Having done a lot of framecapping of less-than-optimal sources myself, I know that sometimes there's only so much you can do with what's available, so I'm amazed-- no, pissed-- that someone would beef about a lower-quality image.

    Not everything is available in painstakingly "remastered from the archival negatives in 4K" quality-- and it's not like that "magic digital-resolution-increasing" computer program that they use in police procedural TV shows and movies actually exists!

    Sorry to hear about the "technical difficulties" you're having with computers and accessing files and framecapping. Life just keeps pitching curveballs, dosen't it?

    But to be honest, even though I LOVE the photos you framecap and post, I love your *writing* even more-- so a minimally illustrated or even photo-free post giving a movie or TV show your "special treatment" would be welcome by me! LOL!

    Thanks so much for all you do, Poseidon! Keep hanging in there! Love to all and be safe and well, everyone!

  6. I felt a bulge of resentment reading about picky comments. These photos are great. Tony and Janet had something for everyone! I'm hot on Ben Gazzara, he always seemed so angry. So sexy. He is in one of my favorite campy movies, ,"Roadhouse" in his later career. Good luck on your tech issues

  7. Haha, bulge of resentment. That's a new one. Sounds sexy and frustrating at the same time.

  8. I'm sending a "basket"of good vibes your way, Poseidon--ignore the whiners.

  9. Hi Poseidon,

    A lovely collection as always! Even though it's not as prominent as some of the others I'm most amazed at Fred's freedom of movement! So deep in the Code years for something like that to slip by the usually eagle eyed censors! I know this was Joan's last film for MGM as they were planning to sweep her out the door plus Fred was there on loan so perhaps it was treated more as a B list item even if both were major stars.

    MacMurray is an odd case, at least for me. Thinking of him in his "My Three Sons" years when he had aged into a sort of contented Dudley phase and his features settled into a something akin to a friendly Bassett hound it's hard to see him in any sexual way, but when he was young, especially in the late 30's he was quite studly in his way.

    Now I could say almost the opposite for Ben Gazzara who as the years passed became a prime Daddy. The difference though was that he was a hot piece in his youth as well. I've seen quite a few of his early films and TV appearances as well as Run for Your Life, big fan of that, and he did love his snug clothing. Or at least the costume departments realizing how to exploit his tight physique to its best advantage did!

    The Tony Curtis snap is a more relaxed one so certain factors might have been in play for it to pass unedited. Since the pair are in beach wear, were married, posed in a non-sexual way and Tony was usually presented as catnip for the teenyboppers the publicity department may have seen it as innocuous.

  10. A, I was wondering about that, too...! Surely he had to know by this time what his pants looked like. And making them even more taut with his hands in the pocket... Not sure if that was an acting choice or something else. Thanks!

    Norma, glad you had a ball (or two) with this...!

    Dan, I couldn't agree more with your remark about some people practically living to find fault. I TRULY don't mind being corrected if something isn't right. I hate to post anything wrongly. But when you curate dozens of pics and then write (and write!) and the only thing someone has to say is some snotty bit of criticism, it's annoying. Thanks!

    Shawny, based on that shot of Williamson, it makes you wish he'd done his Playgirl layout AFTER they started going full-on instead of the tease-y sort of layouts they started with. (Not even a year after Fred, Jim Brown did his and it was 100% naked all over the place! LOL)

    hsc, thank you! But I do have to clarify, the comment was regarding a picture that the commenter didn't think was worthy of being called a "bulge" (even as the trouser fabric was pulled tight and a bump was clearly visible...!)

    Sometimes if I do a post with sub-par caps and then get a chance to put up better ones, I do that. I truly appreciate your compliments on my writing. I try, but I know in my heart that I'm not really any sort of legit "writer" thanks to my lack of proper grammar, punctuation, structure, etc... I really just try to be either interesting or amusing or both and provide diversion and entertainment to whomever is interested. Thanks so much just the same!

    (Oh, here's an example of my redoing photos to get the best possible rendition of the subject at hand - Jeff Bridges' youthful backside! -- )

    Thank you, Gingerguy! Glad you liked the pics.

    Thanks much, Donald Lam!

    joel65913, here we have a bit of a reverse in that I really wasn't thinking about Fred's slacks in these pics, but the revealing soldier tramping (ha ha!) behind him. But I have to agree that there was NOTHING sexy about him to me on "My Three Sons" but then sometimes I'll catch an old movie and he's a doll baby. I can hardly imagine the costuming on "Run for Your Life." I mean, WHO would select those painted-on ivory pants for broadcast?! Unreal... Thank you!

  11. You are doing The Lord's Work here. Ignore the Haters!

  12. I have always thought Gazzara was a real hunk in or out of said tight pants.


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