Tuesday, November 15, 2022

We Interrupt This Program...

Hello, my loves. If you come here regularly, you can clearly see that I haven't posted a thing for a couple of weeks, which is not my typical approach to Poseidon's Underworld. Nothing in particular is "wrong." I just had the misfortune of experiencing a perfect storm of significant work overload, social & family obligations, a minor - and thankfully over with - illness and a general lack of ability to create anything! Maybe all the posts I managed to hammer out in October depleted me a bit. Who knows. After all, I've been doing this for 13 years straight and have penned over 900 lengthy posts. The bad news is that I am not going to be putting anything up for the remainder of November as I recharge the old batteries. The good news is that I'm not giving up. I have every intention of being back in the swing of things with more vintage TV & movie shenanigans in December. Thanks for your continued support. I will be back asap!


  1. Hey Poseidon!
    With work and the holidays coming up, sure you will be busier than ever. Thanks for the heads up, always enjoy seeing a new post from you.

    Happy Thanksgiving and hope there's a lil down time coming soon for you.

    Appreciate your dedication to this terrific blog.

    Cheers, Rick

  2. Take care of yourself and come back only when you are ready! We'll be here when you get back!

  3. You deserve a break! You've kept me entertained for years... I'll relax with some of your old posts while you recharge (and mentally formulate your "Lana Turner's hair through the years" entry!)

  4. I'm glad to hear all is well. Enjoy a well deserved rest, we'll get by somehow. See you in December and thank you for all the 900+ posts!

  5. Sending thoughts and prayers - for more banter, baubles, and men with big, uh, personalities.

  6. Be well! Rest, refresh and all the best for a great Thanksgiving!

  7. As they used to say, Poseidon, you deserve a break today! Looking forward to any future postings featuring your trademark wit and style...

  8. It's the Most Busiest Time, of the year! Take care of yourself, and we will be here when you are ready!

  9. The phrase that is so now overused on Facebook, "Well deserved" actually applies to you, P, my favorite blogger.

  10. Looking forward to your return, Poseidon, and enjoy the time off! Thanks so much for all the wonderful entertainment and information you give us!

    Hope everyone has an enjoyable Thanksgiving, and love to all! Be safe and well, everyone!

  11. By all means rest and take what I refer to as getting my feathers smooth time (thank you Enchanted April).
    Enjoy the break / holidays and as others wrote looking forward to more!

  12. I've been enjoying your posts for years. Look forward to reading new ones when the time is right for you. No rush. We can wait.

  13. Hey, we've always got the archives to comb through ... just like summer reruns in the good (or bad) old days of TV. Take care.

  14. Taking care of yourself is priority number one! Sending good thoughts to you and a million thank yous for this wonderful site!


  15. Hi Poseidon,

    We all need to recharge our batteries from time to time, nothing wrong with that. I don't always comment but certainly enjoy your posts when they come along. Since they are so in depth I have no doubt they take a lot of time and effort. We'll be here when you're ready. Enjoy your down time!!

  16. Treat yourself well.
    You deserve the rest. Happy Holidays and stay safe.

  17. Your site brings me so much joy and entertainment, so thankful for what you do. Take care of yourself and look forward to your next post.

  18. Totally support the time off and some self care I am always indebted to you for any post, whenever one drops. Hoping that the days of rest and and the holiday cheer are sources of blissful peace and inspiration. Bless you, kind sir.

  19. Thank goodness. I've waiting to hear in the news that a popular retro-entertainment blog had been identified as the procuct of a Russian bot farm and that readers are being held hostage by their algorithms, if that's a thing. Happiest Holidays!

  20. Thank you for all the fantastic content, and I look forward to more, as you see fit! You have certainly earned a break, and I hope the down time serves you well. Thank you again for your time and efforts, I appreciate them greatly! Chris

  21. Hello, all my angels! I cannot thank you enough for your kind words of encouragement and support. All is well - still hideously busy! - and there will be new posts coming in December. In fact, one will be up on 12/1 for sure, with more to follow. It really meant a lot to me that so many of you took a moment to comment, especially in positive ways about my need to take little breather. Only someone who has attempted to keep a blog going while also working full-time can *truly* understand what it takes. Early on, I used to do brief posts, but somehow before long began doing the far lengthier ones and I can never seem to stop myself now! (Though I do try to occasionally go shorter with "Poseidon Quickies.") I hope you all had terrific Thanksgiving holidays - if you live somewhere that celebrates it - and I can say I'm very thankful for my devoted readers who consistently take a five into Poseidon's Underworld. Back soon!


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